Evidence Hub Toolbar

NOTE: Due to changes in security policies on browsers it is now possible for websites to block bookmarklets like ours that load content from a another website from working on their web pages. Facebook and Twitter are two examples of sites that have implemented this policy. On these sites, clicking our bookmarklet shortcut will currently do nothing, so it may appear broken, but it is just blocked. Your browser may also block the bookmarklet, so you may have to override your browser security settings to get it to work. We are investigating alternatives for the future like browser specific plugins. For now, this bookmarklet will still work on the majority of websites that have not implemented this policy.

The Evidence Hub toolbar lets you enter data into the Evidence Hub while browsing the web.

How to get the toolbar

Bookmark this link Big EH

If you are using Firefox, Chrome or Safari you can drag the above link to your browser Favourites toolbar.

If you are using Opera, right-click on the link above, select 'Bookmark Link...'. You can then choose to 'Show on bookmarks bar'.

Only available for IE 9+: drag the above link to your browser Favourites toolbar but you will get a security warning message. Just select OK.

more info for IE 9