var checkNodes = new Array(); var labelType, useGradients, nativeTextSupport, animate; // TAKEN FROM EXAMPLES IN THE jit-2.0.2 CODE BASE. (function() { var ua = navigator.userAgent, iStuff = ua.match(/iPhone/i) || ua.match(/iPad/i), typeOfCanvas = typeof HTMLCanvasElement, nativeCanvasSupport = (typeOfCanvas == 'object' || typeOfCanvas == 'function'), textSupport = nativeCanvasSupport && (typeof document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText == 'function'); //I'm setting this based on the fact that ExCanvas provides text support for IE //and that as of today iPhone/iPad current text support is lame labelType = (!nativeCanvasSupport || (textSupport && !iStuff))? 'Native' : 'HTML'; nativeTextSupport = labelType == 'Native'; useGradients = nativeCanvasSupport; animate = !(iStuff || !nativeCanvasSupport); })(); /** * Returns the intersecting point of the line with the given from and * to point with the given node rectangle. To get the other intersecting point * the from and to points need to be reversed. * * @param node the node whose Rectangle to check. * @param from the origin point of the line to check. * @param to the destination point of the line to check. * @return Point the point the rectangle and line intersect, else null it they don't. */ function computeIntersectionWithRectangle(node, from, to) { //alert("to="+to.x); //alert("from="+from.x); var widthr = node.getData('width'); var heightr = node.getData('height'); var cpos = node.pos.getc(true); var r = { x: cpos.x - widthr / 2, y: cpos.y - heightr / 2, width: node.getData('width'), height: node.getData('height')}; var pt = { x: 0, y: 0}; if ((from.x == to.x)&& (from.y == to.y)) return null; //line to the right of rectangle if ((from.x>r.x+r.width) && (to.x>r.x+r.width)) return null; //line below rectangle if ((from.y>r.y+r.height) && (to.y>r.y+r.height)) return null; //line to left of rectangle if ((from.xpt.x || pt.x>=r.x+r.width) { if (r.x+r.width<=to.x) { pt.y=from.y+(to.y-from.y)*(r.x+r.width-from.x)/(to.x-from.x); pt.x=r.x+r.width; } else { pt.y=from.y+(to.y-from.y)*(r.x-from.x)/(to.x-from.x); pt.x=r.x; } } return pt; } $jit.ForceDirected.Plot.EdgeTypes.implement({ 'labelarrow': { 'render': function(adj, canvas) { var orifrom = adj.nodeFrom.pos.getc(true); var orito = adj.nodeTo.pos.getc(true); //alert("fromNode = "+adj.nodeTo.pos.getc(true)); //alert("toNode = "+adj.nodeFrom.pos.getc(true)); // want the to and from to be where the line intercepcts the node boxes. var to = computeIntersectionWithRectangle(adj.nodeTo, orito, orifrom); var from = computeIntersectionWithRectangle(adj.nodeFrom, orifrom, orito); if (!to) { to = orito; } if (!from) { from = orifrom } var dim = adj.getData('dim'); var direction =$direction; var swap = (direction && direction.length>1 && direction[0] !=; var context = canvas.getCtx(); // invert edge direction if (swap) { var tmp = from; from = to; to = tmp; } var vect = new $jit.Complex(to.x - from.x, to.y - from.y); vect.$scale(dim / vect.norm()); var posVect = vect; var intermediatePoint = new $jit.Complex(to.x - posVect.x, to.y - posVect.y); var normal = new $jit.Complex(-vect.y / 2, vect.x / 2); var endPoint = intermediatePoint.add(vect); var v1 = intermediatePoint.add(normal); var v2 = intermediatePoint.$add(normal.$scale(-1)); if (adj.selected) { context.strokeStyle = '#FFFF40'; context.lineWidth = 3; } //line context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(from.x, from.y); context.lineTo(to.x, to.y); context.stroke(); // Arrow head context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(v1.x, v1.y); context.moveTo(v1.x, v1.y); context.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y); context.lineTo(endPoint.x, endPoint.y); context.closePath(); context.fill(); // Link Text var labeltext = adj.getData('label'); context.font = "bold 12px Arial"; context.textBaseline = 'top'; var metrics = context.measureText(labeltext); var testWidth = metrics.width; // center label on line var posVectLabel = new $jit.Complex((to.x - from.x)/2, (to.y - from.y)/2); var intermediatePointLabel = new $jit.Complex(to.x - posVectLabel.x, to.y - posVectLabel.y); //var endPointLabel = intermediatePointLabel.add(vect); context.fillText(labeltext, (intermediatePointLabel.x-(testWidth/2)), intermediatePointLabel.y); }, //optional 'contains': function(adj, pos) { var posFrom = adj.nodeFrom.pos.getc(true); var posTo = adj.nodeTo.pos.getc(true); var epsilon = this.edge.epsilon; var min = Math.min, max = Math.max, minPosX = min(posFrom.x, posTo.x) - epsilon, maxPosX = max(posFrom.x, posTo.x) + epsilon, minPosY = min(posFrom.y, posTo.y) - epsilon, maxPosY = max(posFrom.y, posTo.y) + epsilon; if(pos.x >= minPosX && pos.x <= maxPosX && pos.y >= minPosY && pos.y <= maxPosY) { if(Math.abs(posTo.x - posFrom.x) <= epsilon) { return true; } var dist = (posTo.y - posFrom.y) / (posTo.x - posFrom.x) * (pos.x - posFrom.x) + posFrom.y; return Math.abs(dist - pos.y) <= epsilon; } return false; } } }); /** * Wrap the given text over as many lines as required. */ function wrapText(context, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) { var words = text.split(' '); var line = ''; for(var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) { var testLine = line + words[n] + ' '; var metrics = context.measureText(testLine); var testWidth = metrics.width; if (testWidth > maxWidth && n > 0) { context.fillText(line, x, y); line = words[n] + ' '; y += lineHeight; } else { line = testLine; } } context.fillText(line, x, y); } $jit.ForceDirected.Plot.NodeTypes.implement({ 'cohere': { 'render': function(node, canvas){ var context = canvas.getCtx() var width = node.getData('width'); var height = node.getData('height'); var finalpos = node.pos.getc(true); var pos = { x: finalpos.x - width / 2, y: finalpos.y - height / 2}; /* context.fillStyle = node.color; context.strokeStyle = node.color; var rad = 10; var xx = finalpos.x - width / 2; var yy = finalpos.y - height / 2; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(xx+rad, yy); context.arcTo(xx+width, yy, xx+width, yy+height, rad); context.arcTo(xx+width, yy+height, xx, yy+height, rad); context.arcTo(xx, yy+height, xx, yy, rad); context.arcTo(xx, yy, xx+width, yy, rad); */ context['fill' + 'Rect'](finalpos.x - width / 2, finalpos.y - height / 2, width, height); if ( == NODE_ARGS['nodeid']) { context.strokeStyle = '#606060'; context.lineWidth = 3; context['stroke' + 'Rect'](finalpos.x - width / 2, finalpos.y - height / 2, width, height); } if (node.selected) { context.strokeStyle = '#FFFF40'; context.lineWidth = 3; context['stroke' + 'Rect'](finalpos.x - width / 2, finalpos.y - height / 2, width, height); } var orinode = node.getData('orinode'); var orirole = node.getData('orirole'); var roleicon = node.getData('icon'); context.drawImage(roleicon, pos.x+5, pos.y+((height-roleicon.height)/2)); var user = node.getData('oriuser'); var usericon = node.getData('usericon'); var imgheight = usericon.height; var imgwidth = usericon.width; if(usericon.height > 40) { imgheight = 40; imgwidth = usericon.width * (40/usericon.height); context.drawImage(usericon, pos.x+(width-(5+imgwidth)), pos.y+((height-imgheight)/2), imgwidth, imgheight); } else { context.drawImage(usericon, pos.x+(width-(5+imgwidth)), pos.y+((height-imgheight)/2)); } var labeltext =; if (labeltext.length > 60) { labeltext = labeltext.substr(0,60)+"..."; } context.fillStyle = context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.font = "12px Arial"; context.textBaseline = 'top'; var maxWidth = 165; var lineHeight = 15; wrapText(context, labeltext, pos.x + 45, pos.y + 5, maxWidth, lineHeight, 10); }, 'contains': function(node, pos, width, height){ var width = node.getData('width'); var height = node.getData('height'); var cpos = node.pos.getc(true); var npos = { x: cpos.x - width / 2, y: cpos.y - height / 2}; var finalnpos = {x:npos.x+width/2, y:npos.y+height/2} return Math.abs(pos.x - finalnpos.x) <= width / 2 && Math.abs(pos.y - finalnpos.y) <= height / 2; } } }); function createNewForceDirectedGraph(containername, rootNodeID) { var fd = new $jit.ForceDirected({ //id of the visualization container injectInto: containername, Navigation: { enable: true, type: 'Native', //Enable panning events only if were dragging the empty //canvas (and not a node). panning: 'avoid nodes', zooming: 10 //zoom speed. higher is more sensible }, // Change node and edge styles such as // color and width. // These properties are also set per node // with dollar prefixed data-properties in the // JSON structure. Node: { overridable: true, type: "cohere", height: 50, width: 250, nodetype: "", orinode: null, orirole: null, oriuser:null, icon: "", desc: "", connections:{}, }, Edge: { overridable: true, color: '#808080', lineWidth: 1.5, type: "labelarrow", label: "", }, // Add node events Events: { enable: true, type: 'Native', //Change cursor style when hovering a node onMouseEnter: function() { fd.canvas.getElement().style.cursor = 'move'; }, onMouseLeave: function() { fd.canvas.getElement().style.cursor = ''; }, //Update node positions when dragged onDragMove: function(node, eventInfo, e) { var pos = eventInfo.getPos(); node.pos.setc(pos.x, pos.y); fd.plot(); }, //Implement the same handler for touchscreens onTouchMove: function(node, eventInfo, e) { $jit.util.event.stop(e); //stop default touchmove event this.onDragMove(node, eventInfo, e); }, onRightClick: function(node, eventInfo, e) { if (!node) return; /*if (node != false) { var panel = $('graphpopupmenudiv'); panel.innerHTML = ""; var viewdetails = new Element("span", {'class':'active','style':'margin-bottom:5px;clear:both;float:left;font-size:10pt', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Requirement / Issue'} ); viewdetails.insert("Explore Selected Item"); Event.observe(viewdetails,'click',function (){ var nodeid =; var nodetype = node.getData('nodetype'); var width = getWindowWidth(); var height = getWindowHeight()-20; viewNodeDetails(nodeid, nodetype, width, height); }); panel.insert(viewdetails); var viewuser = new Element("span", {'class':'active','style':'margin-bottom:5px;clear:both;float:left;font-size:10pt', 'title':'Convert this Chat item to an Requirement / Issue'} ); viewuser.insert("Explore Selected Person"); Event.observe(viewuser,'click',function (){ var userid = node.getData('oriuser').userid; viewUserHome(userid); }); panel.insert(viewuser); var viewportHeight = getWindowHeight(); var viewportWidth = getWindowWidth(); var extraX = 10; var extraY = 10; var x=e.clientX; var y=e.clientY; if ( (x+panel.offsetWidth+30) > viewportWidth) { x = x-(panel.offsetWidth+30); } else { x = x+10; } if ( (y+panel.offsetHeight) > viewportHeight) { y = y-50; } else { y = y-5; } = x+extraX+window.pageXOffset+"px"; = y+extraY+window.pageYOffset+"px"; //alert(e.clientX+":"+e.clientY); //alert(fd.canvas.getSize().width+":"+fd.canvas.getSize().height); showBox('graphpopupmenudiv'); }*/ }, onClick: function(node, eventInfo, e) { if (!node) return; //if(node.nodeFrom){ // console.log("target is an edge"); //} else { // console.log("target is a node"); //} if (node != false) { fd.graph.eachNode(function(n) { /*n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { var linkcolour = "#808080"; if (adj.getData('label') == "supports") { linkcolour = "#00BD53"; } else if (adj.getData('label') == "challenges") { linkcolour = "#C10031"; } adj.setDataset('end', { lineWidth: 1.5, color: linkcolour, }); adj.setDataset('start', { lineWidth: 1.5, color: linkcolour, }); }); */ if( != { delete n.selected; } else { if(!n.selected) { n.selected = true; /*n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setDataset('end', { lineWidth: 3, color: '#F2F377' }); adj.setDataset('start', { lineWidth: 3, color: '#F2F377' }); });*/ } } }); //trigger animation to final styles fd.fx.animate({ modes: ['edge-property:lineWidth:color'], duration: 2 }); } } }, //Number of iterations for the FD algorithm iterations: 100, //Edge length levelDistance: 280, //Add Tips Tips: { enable: true, type: 'Native', offsetX: 10, offsetY: 10, onShow: function(tip, node) { var connections = node.getData('connections'); var count = -1; if (connections) { count = connections.length; } if (count > -1) { tip.innerHTML = "
" + + "
" + "
connections: " + count; + "
"; } else { tip.innerHTML =; } } } }); fd.graph = new $jit.Graph(fd.graphOptions, fd.config.Node, fd.config.Edge, fd.config.Label); if (rootNodeID != "") { fd.root = rootNodeID; } return fd; } /** * Return the currently selected node. */ function getSelectFDNode(graphview) { var selectedNode = ""; for(var i in graphview.graph.nodes) { var n = graphview.graph.nodes[i]; if(n.selected) { selectedNode = n; break; } } return selectedNode; } /** * Add the given connection to the given graph */ function addConnectionToFDGraph(c, graph) { var fN = c.from[0].cnode; var tN =[0].cnode; var fnRole = c.fromrole[0].role; var fNNodeImage = ""; if (fN.imagethumbnail != null && fN.imagethumbnail != "") { fNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + fN.imagethumbnail; } else if (fN.role[0].role.image != null && fN.role[0].role.image != "") { fNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + fN.role[0].role.image; } var fromroleicon = new Image(); fromroleicon.src = fNNodeImage; var tnRole = c.torole[0].role; var tNNodeImage = ""; if (tN.imagethumbnail != null && tN.imagethumbnail != "") { tNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + tN.imagethumbnail; } else if (tN.role[0].role.image != null && tN.role[0].role.image != "") { tNNodeImage = URL_ROOT + tN.role[0].role.image; } var toroleicon = new Image(); toroleicon.src = tNNodeImage; var fromRole = fN.role[0]; var toRole = tN.role[0]; var fromDesc = ""; if (fN.description) { fromDesc = fN.description; } var toDesc = ""; if (tN.description) { toDesc = tN.description; } var fromName =; var toName =; // Get HEX for From Role var fromHEX = ""; if (fromRole == 'Challenge') { fromHEX = challengebackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Issue') { fromHEX = issuebackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Claim') { fromHEX = claimbackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Solution') { fromHEX = solutionbackpale; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(fromRole) != -1) { fromHEX = evidencebackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Project') { fromHEX = projectbackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Organization') { fromHEX = orgbackpale; } else if (fromRole == 'Theme') { fromHEX = themebackpale; } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(fromRole) != -1) { fromHEX = resourcebackpale; } else { fromHEX = plainbackpale; } // Get HEX for To Role var toHEX = ""; if (toRole == 'Challenge') { toHEX = challengebackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Issue') { toHEX = issuebackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Claim') { toHEX = claimbackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Solution') { toHEX = solutionbackpale; } else if (EVIDENCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(toRole) != -1) { toHEX = evidencebackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Project') { toHEX = projectbackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Organization') { toHEX = orgbackpale; } else if (toRole == 'Theme') { toHEX = themebackpale; } else if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(toRole) != -1) { toHEX = resourcebackpale; } else { toHEX = plainbackpale; } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(fromRole) != -1) { if (fromDesc != "") { var tempName = fromName; fromName = fromDesc; fromDesc = tempName; } } if (RESOURCE_TYPES_STR.indexOf(toRole) != -1) { if (toDesc != "") { var tempName = toName; toName = toDesc; toDesc = tempName; } } fromRole = getNodeTitleAntecedence(fromRole, false); toRole = getNodeTitleAntecedence(toRole, false); //create from & to nodes var fromuser = null; if (fN.users[0].userid) { fromuser = fN.users[0]; } else { fromuser = fN.users[0].user; } var fromusericon = new Image(); fromusericon.src = fromuser.thumb var touser = null; if (tN.users[0].userid) { touser = tN.users[0]; } else { touser = tN.users[0].user; } var tousericon = new Image(); tousericon.src = touser.thumb var fromNode = null; if (!checkNodes[fN.nodeid]) { var connections = new Array(); connections.push(c); fromNode = { "data": { "$color": fromHEX, "$nodetype": fromRole, "$orinode": fN, "$orirole": fnRole, "$oriuser": fromuser, "$icon": fromroleicon, "$usericon": fromusericon, "$desc": fromDesc, "$connections":connections, }, "id": fN.nodeid, "name": fromRole+": "+fromName, }; graph.addNode(fromNode); checkNodes[fN.nodeid] = fN.nodeid; } else { fromNode = graph.getNode(fN.nodeid); var connections = fromNode.getData('connections'); connections.push(c); fromNode.setData('connections', connections); } var toNode = null; if (!checkNodes[tN.nodeid]) { var connections = new Array(); connections.push(c); toNode = { "data": { "$color": toHEX, "$nodetype": toRole, "$orinode": tN, "$orirole": tnRole, "$oriuser": touser, "$icon": toroleicon, "$usericon": tousericon, "$desc": toDesc, "$connections": connections, }, "id": tN.nodeid, "name": toRole+": "+toName, }; graph.addNode(toNode); checkNodes[tN.nodeid] = tN.nodeid; } else { toNode = graph.getNode(tN.nodeid); var connections = toNode.getData('connections'); connections.push(c); toNode.setData('connections', connections); } /*var fromNode = { "data": { "$color": fromHEX, "$nodetype": fromRole, "$orinode": fN, "$orirole": fnRole, "$oriuser": fromuser, "$icon": fNNodeImage, "$desc": fromDesc, }, "id": fN.nodeid, "name": fromRole+": "+fromName, }; var toNode = { "data": { "$color": toHEX, "$nodetype": toRole, "$orinode": tN, "$orirole": tnRole, "$oriuser": touser, "$icon": tNNodeImage, "$desc": toDesc, }, "id": tN.nodeid, "name": toRole+": "+toName, }; graph.addNode(fromNode); graph.addNode(toNode); */ // add edge/conn var fromRoleName = fromRole; if (c.fromrole[0].role) { fromRoleName = c.fromrole[0]; } var toRoleName = toRole; if (c.torole[0].role) { toRoleName = c.torole[0]; } var linklabelname = c.linktype[0].linktype.label; linklabelname = getLinkLabelName(fN.role[0], tN.role[0], linklabelname); var linkcolour = "#808080"; if (linklabelname == "supports") { linkcolour = "#00BD53"; } else if (linklabelname == "challenges") { linkcolour = "#C10031"; } var data = { "$color": linkcolour, "$label": linklabelname, "$direction": [fN.nodeid,tN.nodeid], }; graph.addAdjacence(fromNode, toNode, data); } /** * Compute positions incrementally and animate. */ function layoutAndAnimate(graphview, messagearea) { //graphview.computeIncremental({ graphview.computePrefuse({ iter:20, property: 'end', onComplete: function(){ graphview.animate({ modes: ['linear'], transition: $jit.Trans.Elastic.easeOut, duration: 500, onComplete: function() { var width = $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').offsetWidth; var height = $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').offsetHeight; clipInitialCanvas(graphview, width, height); var size = graphview.canvas.getSize(); if (size.width > width || size.height > height) { zoomFDFit(graphview); } else { var rootNodeID = graphview.root; panToNodeFD(graphview, rootNodeID); } if (messagearea) { messagearea.innerHTML=""; = "none"; } graphview.canvas.getPos(true); } }); } }); } /** * The inital canvas is huge. * If after drawing the map, the bounds of the map are smaller than the canvas space, but still bigger than the visible area. * Make the canvas the size of the map bounds */ function clipInitialCanvas(graphview, width, height) { var bounds = getBoundaries(graphview); var boundswidth = Math.round(bounds.width); var boundsheight = Math.round(bounds.height); //alert("bounds BEFORE="+boundswidth+":"+boundsheight); // If the map bounds are smaller than the visible area, make it as big as the visible area var finalwidth = boundswidth; if (boundswidth < width) { boundswidth = width; } var finalheight = boundsheight; if (boundsheight < height) { boundsheight = height; } // if the canvas bounds are larger than the map bounds // resize to map bounds var size = graphview.canvas.getSize(); //alert("size="+size.width+":"+size.height); //alert("bounds AFTER="+boundswidth+":"+boundsheight); if (boundswidth < size.width || boundsheight < size.height) { $(graphview.config.injectInto).style.width = boundswidth+"px"; $(graphview.config.injectInto).style.height = boundsheight+"px"; graphview.canvas.resize(boundswidth, boundsheight); } } /** * Make sure if the visible div is resized that the canvas is never smaller than the visible space. */ function resizeFDGraphCanvas(graphview, width, height) { var size = graphview.canvas.getSize(); var resizeWidth = size.width; if (size.width < width) { resizeWidth = width; } var resizeHeight = size.height; if (size.height < height) { resizeHeight = height; } if (size.width < width || size.height < height) { $(graphview.config.injectInto).style.width = resizeWidth+"px"; $(graphview.config.injectInto).style.height = resizeHeight+"px"; graphview.canvas.resize(resizeWidth, resizeHeight); } } /** * Pan the view to the given node only in 1:1 */ function panToNodeFD(graphview, nodeid) { //var rectangle = getBoundaries(graphview); var canvas = graphview.canvas; var graph = graphview.graph; var node = graph.getNode(nodeid); var pos = node.pos.getc(false); // Do not edit the actualy position object you idiot woman!!!! var nodePos = {x: pos.x, y:pos.y} //alert(nodePos.x+":"+nodePos.y); //alert("offsets="+canvas.translateOffsetX+":"+canvas.translateOffsetY); var sx = canvas.scaleOffsetX; var sy = canvas.scaleOffsetY; var ox = canvas.translateOffsetX; var oy = canvas.translateOffsetY; nodePos.x *= sx; nodePos.y *= sy; nodePos.x += ox; nodePos.y += oy; //alert(nodePos.x+":"+nodePos.y); var viewwidth = $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').offsetWidth; var viewheight = $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').offsetHeight; var size = canvas.getSize(); //alert("size="+size.width+":"+size.height); var topX = 0 - (size.width/2); var topY = 0 - (size.height/2); //alert("topcorner="+topX+":"+topY); var movementX = 0-( (nodePos.x - topX) - (viewwidth/2) ); var movementY = 0-( (nodePos.y - topY) - (viewheight/2) ); //alert("movement="+movementX+":"+movementY); //alert("movement="+movementX*1/canvas.scaleOffsetX+":"+movementY*1/canvas.scaleOffsetX); canvas.translate(movementX*1/canvas.scaleOffsetX, movementY*1/canvas.scaleOffsetX); } /** * Zoom the given graph view to the given level */ function zoomFD(graphview, delta) { if (graphview) { var val = graphview.controller.Navigation.zooming/1000; var ans = 1 - (delta * val); graphview.canvas.scale(ans, ans); } } /** * Restore the view to 1:1 zoom. */ function zoomFDFull(graphview) { if (graphview) { var canvas = graphview.canvas; var ans = 1/canvas.scaleOffsetX; canvas.scale(ans, ans); var rectangle = getBoundaries(graphview); moveToVisibleArea(graphview, rectangle); var rootNodeID = graphview.root; panToNodeFD(graphview, rootNodeID); } } /** * Zoom to fit whole map to screen. */ function zoomFDFit(graphview) { if (graphview) { var rectangle = getBoundaries(graphview); var mapWidth = rectangle.width; var mapHeight = rectangle.height; var outerWidth = $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').offsetWidth; var outerHeight = $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').offsetHeight; var canvas = graphview.canvas; // Only scale if less than one, otherwise it is already fitting to page so just move if required. var ans = Math.min((outerWidth)/mapWidth,(outerHeight)/mapHeight) / canvas.scaleOffsetX; if (ans < 1) { canvas.scale(ans, ans); } moveToVisibleArea(graphview, rectangle); } } /** * Relocate the graph into the viewable area. */ function moveToVisibleArea(graphview, rectangle) { if (graphview) { var canvas = graphview.canvas; var size = canvas.getSize(); var nodePos = {x:rectangle.x, y:rectangle.y} var sx = canvas.scaleOffsetX; var sy = canvas.scaleOffsetY; var ox = canvas.translateOffsetX; var oy = canvas.translateOffsetY; nodePos.x *= sx; nodePos.y *= sy; nodePos.x += ox; nodePos.y += oy; var topX = 0 - (size.width/2); var topY = 0 - (size.height/2); var movementX = 0-(nodePos.x - topX); var movementY = 0-(nodePos.y - topY); canvas.translate(movementX*1/canvas.scaleOffsetX, movementY*1/canvas.scaleOffsetY); } } /** * Work out the rectangle that is the extent of the current graph based on the location of the nodes. * Return an array with x,y,width,height representing the rectangle of the graph. */ function getBoundaries(graphview) { var leftmost = 0; var rightmost = 0; var topmost = 0; var bottommost = 0; graphview.graph.eachNode(function(node) { var width = node.getData('width'); var height = node.getData('height'); var pos = node.pos.getc(true); //alert(pos); //var pos2 = node.getPos(); //alert(pos2.x+"|"+pos2.y); //alert("size iter="+width+":"+height); //alert("before iter="+pos.x+":"+pos.y); var x = pos.x-(width/2); var y = pos.y-(height/2); //alert("cound iter="+x+":"+y); if (x < leftmost) { leftmost = x; } if (x+width > rightmost) { rightmost = x+width; } if (y < topmost) { topmost = y; } if ((y)+(height) > bottommost) { bottommost = (y)+(height); } }); var finalwidth = rightmost-leftmost; var finalheight = bottommost - topmost; return { 'x' : leftmost, 'y' : topmost, 'width' : finalwidth, 'height' : finalheight, }; } /** * Create a PNG of the given graph canvas and popup in a print window. */ function printCanvas(graphview) { var canvas = graphview.canvas; var rectangle = getBoundaries(graphview); var mapWidth = rectangle.width; var mapHeight = rectangle.height; // Need to reposition the map to top corner so all map is printed var size = canvas.getSize(); size.width = size.width; size.height = size.height; var nodePos = {x:rectangle.x, y:rectangle.y} var sx = canvas.scaleOffsetX; var sy = canvas.scaleOffsetY; var ox = canvas.translateOffsetX; var oy = canvas.translateOffsetY; nodePos.x *= sx; nodePos.y *= sy; nodePos.x += ox; nodePos.y += oy; var topX = 0 - (size.width/2); var topY = 0 - (size.height/2); var movementX = 0-(nodePos.x - topX); var movementY = 0-(nodePos.y - topY); canvas.translate(movementX*1/canvas.scaleOffsetX, movementY*1/canvas.scaleOffsetY); // Get data for pn image of map var dataUrl = document.getElementById(graphview.config.injectInto+'-canvas').toDataURL("image/png"); //get png of canvas // Create page of image to print var windowContent = ''; windowContent += '' windowContent += 'Print Graph Canvas'; windowContent += ''; /*windowContent += ''; windowContent += ''; */ windowContent += ''; windowContent += ''; windowContent += ''; var printWin ='','','width='+mapWidth+',height='+mapHeight);; printWin.document.write(windowContent); printWin.document.close(); printWin.focus(); printWin.print(); printWin.close(); // Now restore previous location of map. var reverseX = 0-movementX; var reverseY = 0-movementY; canvas.translate(reverseX*1/canvas.scaleOffsetX, reverseY*1/canvas.scaleOffsetY); } function computeMostConnectedNode(graphview) { var connectedCount = ""; var connectedNode = ""; for(var i in graphview.graph.nodes) { var n = graphview.graph.nodes[i]; var connections = n.getData('connections'); if (connections.length > connectedCount) { connectedCount = connections.length; connectedNode = n; } } if (connectedNode != "") { FD_MOST_CONNECTED_NODE = connectedNode; if (!graphview.root) { graphview.root =; return } } else { //if all else fails, just pick the first node var root = -1; for(var i in graphview.graph.nodes) { var n = graphview.graph.nodes[i]; FD_MOST_CONNECTED_NODE = n; graphview.root =; root =; break; } return root; } }